Despite what “society” says about us or how the world makes us feel, we are all WORTHY by our divine birthright. Over our lifetime our experiences (people not showing up for us, caring for us, or protecting us in ways they should have during our childhoods + adulthoods) can lead us to forget that all we need is within us and that we must show up for ourselves. Our core beliefs shape our experiences in the world. We can unlearn the patterns of survival that are no longer work for us and KNOW OUR WORTH. We can rebuild our self worth even when it was not our doing while also taking accountability for our wrong doings to ourselves and others. We are responsible for our own lives and regardless of what others did not give us, ultimately we are responsible for ourselves. What are you unlearning and relearning? How are you demanding to be heard, seen, and validated? You are more than ENOUGH and WORTHY… even in a world where MONEY TALK$… now say it with your chest!!